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Career Listings

Computer Information Systems Manager

Technical and Computer

Organizations have demanded greater use of newer technologies in recent years to stay competitive. Important issues involving the use of electronic or online commerce include when and how a company incorporates these new technologies | read more ...

Computer Operator

Technical and Computer

Computer operators operate and manage the use of hardware systems, mainframes, networks,
minicomputers, and other types of systems. | read more ...

Computer Programming

Technical and Computer

Computer programmers develop the instructions and languages computers use to operate. They
also resolve computer problems and logical tests within the system. | read more ...

Computer Science, Technology, and Database Administration

Technical and Computer

A rising demand for skilled employees to develop new software and hardware technologies has resulted from the expansion of computer use | read more ...

Computer Software Engineering

Technical and Computer

The world has felt a the explosive impact of computers and the IT industry in its very core and the increasing need for computers in the daily life of people has made it imperative that new designs and new computer software systems be developed | read more ...

Database Specialist Careers

Technical and Computer

Database specialists maintain and develop database systems that companies use for storing, analyzing, and retrieving data. Different databases include Microsoft’s SQL Server, Filemaker, Pro, Oracle, and Sybase | read more ...

Engineering Careers

Technical and Computer

Engineering is an exciting career field to be involved in and new opportunities are always available for qualified engineers. This page offers a directory of reliable and relevant information on various engineering careers. | read more ...

Statistician Careers

Technical and Computer

Statistics essentially involves putting mathematics to scientific use in the form of data comparison, analysis, and presentation. Statisticians use this knowledge to design, collect, and interpret data experiments surrounding many different fields of industry. | read more ...

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